123, New Lenox Chicago, IL 60606
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welcome there!

Welcome to the Best Business Support Company

Economic services provided by the finance industry, which encompasses a broad range of businesses that manage money, including credit unions.

our main goal –

Strategies That Work

Who We Are

We are Leaders on the Market

We are the industry leader in establishing an innovation-friendly organization, developing new business models and new products. The company is on the cutting edge of new technologies.
Quick Facts
Satisfied Clients
Market-leading experience
Successful Investments
Market-leading experience
Awards Won
Market-leading experience

«Internal accounting & sales data, in addition to external market and economic indicators.”

General Director,

¿Qué servicios prestamos?

Professional Financial Analysis

From $500/ month
Results in Numbers

The Industry Leaders

Customers hold the power in today’s social media and technology-driven world. That is why what they say can make or break companies. Our services are high quality to satisfy customers, turning them into brand ambassadors for the company.

Investing Strategies
Investing Strategies
our staff

Team of Professionals

Nicolas Martínez

Nicolas Martínez

Director General

Director General

Laura Aranda

Laura Aranda

Equipo de Dirección

Equipo de Dirección


Clients About Us

John Grinwild

Timely, efficient and accurate – True professionals work for Wizor’s Investments. My business has moved forward since using one of the company’s service packages.

John Grinwild

New York, NY
Daria Gofman

I would recommend this company to people who plan to start their own business. Thanks to the manager’s business planning and advising our start up become more profitable.

Daria Gofman

Chicago. IL
Stephano Willkaz

The company helps to invest in most profitable projects that can give you a good rate of return. The best way to dispose of free assets.

Stephano Willkaz

New York, NY
our prices

Service Packages

per month

  • Consulting
  • Advising

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per month

  • Consulting
  • Advising
  • Business Planning

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per month

  • Consulting
  • Advising
  • Business Planning
  • Investments

more info

“Economic services provided by the finance industry, which encompasses a broad range of businesses that manage money, including credit unions.”

General Director,
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Entra en Vigor de la Ley que prohíbe los softwares de doble uso
Entra en Vigor de la Ley que prohíbe los softwares de doble uso

  El 11 de Octubre entró en vigor la ley contra el fraude fiscal que prohíbe el uso de sistemas informáticos que manipulen la contabilidad. Esta normativa obliga a autónomos y empresas a tener sistemas informáticos que incluyan procesos de contabilidad que garanticen la integridad, conservación, accesibilidad, legibilidad, trazabilidad e inalterabilidad de los registros. Además, la fabricación, producción y comercialización…

Las reparaciones para acondicionar un inmueble para ser arrendado son deducibles en el Impuesto de la Renta
Las reparaciones para acondicionar un inmueble para ser arrendado son deducibles en el Impuesto de la Renta

Todos los gastos en los que se incurra para adecuar un inmueble para su posterior arrendamiento, serán deducibles del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas. Estos gastos pueden ser de reparación, mantenimiento o conservación y como ejemplo podemos destacar entre otros: pintura de inmueble, cambio de la caldera, reparación de suelos, sustitución de elementos,  etc. Tal y como…


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Contact Info

Get in Touch with Us

Adress: 2259 Oak Street, NY 10001
Phone: 707-946-7464
Email: info@yoursite.com